The schoolgirl Fujino draws highly acclaimed manga for the school magazine and outwardly presents herself as modest, although she is secretly proud of her work. However, her world is shaken when she sees the manga of Kyomoto - a classmate who does not attend class due to social anxiety. Overwhelmed by Kyomoto's talent and driven by jealousy, Fujino increases her efforts to become better than Kyomo...
- Anime17. Oct18:002D OmU
Original version with German subtitles
"Next it's your turn!" In a society where heroes and villains are constantly warring in the name of peace and chaos, Yuei high school student Deku confronts the villain who imitates his superhero idol All Might. Can Deku and the rest of Yuei Class A protect the world and put an end to Dark Might - who claims to be the new symbol of peace? Source:
- Anime04. Nov17:302D OmeU
Original version with English subtitles
A little girl's fabulous and family-friendly animated fairy-tale journey into the world of the gods at home by Japan's Walt Disney Miyazaki.
- Anime11. Nov20:152D OmeU
- Anime12. Nov20:152D OmeU