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FSK | Youth Protection | Descriptors




FSK age classifications / age ratings are also valid for films even when accompanied by a parent or guardian without exception.


FSK Age Ratings


All FSK ratings are binding and cannot be revoked, with the exception of FSK 12 - when accompanied by a parent or guardian aged 6 or older. Cinema screenings with the FSK label "from 6 / 16 / 18 years" may still not be attended by younger children and adolescents. This also applies to children and young people who are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please note that appropriate identification must be shown.


In the FSK test procedures, approvals are made for five age groups. The test results are used to publish the respective age ratings and, in the case of feature films, a short version of the release statement.
The FSK committees issue releases in accordance with the statutory requirement that films and other media „which are suitable for impairing the development of children and adolescents or their upbringing to a self-reliant and communal personality“ may not be released for their age group (§ 14 (1) JuSchG). The FSK principles deliberately focus on a presumed effect.

With the age release no educational recommendation or aesthetic evaluation is connected. There can be no fixed catalogue of criteria for the assessment of possible effects, but there can be standards that require expert interpretation. In doing so, the welfare of the youngest cohorts of an age group must always be taken into account. Likewise, not only average but also endangered children and adolescents must be considered.

The German FSK awards the following releases:

  • 'o.A.'
  • 6 years and older
  • 12 years and older
  • 16 years and older
  • 18 years and older

According to §11, paragraph 2 of the Youth Protection Act of June 14, 2002, children aged 6 and over may now also attend film screenings that are only released for children aged 12 and over, provided they are accompanied by their parents (FSK 12, accompanied by parents aged 6 and over). From May 01, 2021, this rule will also apply if the children are accompanied by a person responsible for their upbringing.



FSK - No marking

In the case of an age rating for cinema films, § 14 (3) of the Youth Protection Act (Jugendschutzgesetz - JuSchG) stipulates that even in the case of a rating „from the age of 18“, a „serious risk to minors“ must be examined. The background to the legal provisions is that in individual cases young people may also be admitted to the performances could do. If films are released on DVD, Blu-ray or comparable image carriers, there is an increased risk that young people will already see films that are only released „from the age of 18“. A „simple danger to minors“ is therefore sufficient here to prevent labelling from being allowed. It isit is therefore possible that a film that has received a release „from the age of 18“ in the cinema will not receive a release in the same version for release on DVD. The legal regulations for the protection of minors are here clear and binding for the work of the FSK. „No marking“, however, does not constitute a performance ban. Cinemas can screen the film at their own legal risk - but only in front of adults. If a court comes to the conclusion - for example after a complaint - that the film is „seriously harmful to minors“, the following are, among other things, prohibitedAdvertising and announcement legally forbidden and therefore punishable (Jugendschutzgesetz, § 15 Abs. 1). Criminal law provisions that may have to be taken into account beyond the protection of minors also fall within the remit of the judiciary - and not of the FSK.



Youth Protection Act

§ 1 Definitions of terms

(1) For the purposes of this Act

1. children are persons who are not yet 14 years old
2. young people are persons who are 14 but not yet 18 years old
3. is a person entitled to custody who is entitled to custody of persons alone or jointly with another person in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code
4. is a person responsible for education, any person over 18 years of age, insofar as he or she performs educational tasks permanently or temporarily on the basis of an agreement with the person entitled to custody, or insofar as he or she cares for a child or a young person within the framework of training or youth welfare

(5) The provisions of §§ 2 to 14 of this Act shall not apply to married youths


§ 2 Obligation to Examine and Prove

(1) Insofar as this Act requires accompaniment by a person with parental authority, the persons named in section 1(1) no. 4 shall, upon request, state their entitlement. In cases of doubt, the organiser and the trader shall have the right to check

(2) Persons for whom age limits must be observed in accordance with this Act shall be required to prove their age in an appropriate manner upon request. In cases of doubt, organisers and tradespeople must check their age

§ 4 Restaurants

(1) Children and adolescents under the age of 16 may only be permitted to stay in restaurants if they are accompanied by a guardian or a person responsible for education, or if they have a meal or drink between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. Young people over 16 years of age must not be allowed to stay in restaurants without the company of a person with custody or a person responsible for education in the time between midnight and 5 a.m.

(2) Paragraph 1 shall not apply if children or adolescents participate in an event organised by a recognised youth welfare institution or are travelling

(3) Children and adolescents may not be permitted to stay in restaurants run as night bars or night clubs or in comparable amusement establishments

(4) The competent authority may approve exceptions to paragraph 1

§ 5 Dance events

(1) The presence of children and young people under the age of 16 and young people from the age of 16 must not be permitted until midnight at the latest at public dance events without the company of a person with custody or a person responsible for education

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the presence of children until 10 p.m. and of young people under 4 p.m. until midnight may be permitted if the dance event is carried out by a recognised youth welfare organisation or serves artistic activities or customs

(3) The competent authority may approve exceptions

§ 9 Alcoholic beverages

(1) In restaurants, points of sale or otherwise in public, the following shall not be permitted
1. spirits, beverages containing spirits or foods containing spirits in quantities not insignificant to children and adolescents,
2. other alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or consumed by children and adolescents under the age of 16

(2) Paragraph 1 No. 2 shall not apply if young persons are accompanied by a person having custody

(3) Alcoholic beverages may not be offered in vending machines in public. This shall not apply if a vending machine
1. is placed in a place inaccessible to children and adolescents, or
2. is set up in a commercially used room and technical equipment or constant supervision ensures that children and adolescents are unable to take alcoholic beverages. § Section 20 No. 1 of the Restaurant Act shall remain unaffected

(4) Sweet drinks containing alcohol within the meaning of § 1 paras. 2 and 3 of the Alkopop Tax Act may only be put into circulation commercially with the reference „Sale to persons under 18 years of age prohibited, § 9 Youth Protection Act“. This notice shall be affixed to the pre-package in the same font and in the same size and colour as the brand or fantasy names or, if not available, as the sales description and, in the case of bottles, on the front label

§ 10 Smoking in public, tobacco products

(1) In restaurants, points of sale or otherwise in public, tobacco products may not be sold to children or adolescents nor may smoking be permitted

(2) Tobacco products may not be offered to the public in vending machines. This shall not apply if a vending machine
1. is placed in a place inaccessible to children and adolescents or
2. technical devices or constant supervision ensure that children and adolescents cannot take tobacco products from the premises

§ 11 Film events / Age ratings

(1) Children and young people may only be permitted to attend public film events if the films have been released for screening before them by the supreme state authority or an organisation of voluntary self-regulation within the framework of the procedure pursuant to section 14(6) or if they are information, instructional and educational films which are labelled „Infoprogramm“ or „Lehrprogramm“ by the provider

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the presence of children aged six and over may also be permitted at public film events with films released and marked for children and adolescents aged twelve and over if they are accompanied by a person with custody

(3) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 1, attendance at public film events may only be permitted if accompanied by a person having custody or a person responsible for education

  • children under the age of six
  • children from the age of six, if the performance ends after 8 p.m.
  • young people under the age of 16 if the performance ends after 22 hrs
  • young people aged 16 or over, if the performance ends after midnight

(4) Paragraphs 1 to 3 shall apply to the public screening of films irrespective of the means of recording and reproduction. They shall also apply to advertising credits and accompanying programmes. They shall not apply to films produced for non-commercial purposes as long as the films are not used commercially

5. Advertising films or programmes promoting tobacco products or alcoholic beverages may be shown only after 6 p.m., without prejudice to the conditions laid down in paragraphs 1 to 4

§ 13 Screen play equipment

(1) Children and adolescents may only be permitted to play on publicly installed electronic screen games without the possibility of winning if they are not accompanied by a guardian or person responsible for education and if the programmes have been approved and labelled for their age group by the supreme Land authority or an organisation of voluntary self-regulation within the framework of the procedure in accordance with § 14 (6) or if they are information, instruction or teaching programmes which are labelled „Infoprogramm“ or „Lehrprogramm“ by the provider

(2) Electronic display screen play equipment may not
1. public transport areas accessible to children or adolescents
2. outside premises used for commercial purposes or in any other way for professional or business purposes or
3. are set up in their unattended entrances, anterooms or corridors only if their programmes are cleared and marked for children aged six and over or are marked „Infoprogramm“ or „Lehrprogramm“ in accordance with section 14(7)

(3) Section 12 subsection (2) sentences 1 to 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the affixing of markings to display screen games

§ 14 Labelling of films and film and play programmes

(1) Films as well as film and play programmes which are likely to impair the development of children and adolescents or their upbringing to an independent and socially responsible personality shall not be released for their age group




From January 1, 2023, the Voluntary Self-Regulation Body of the German Film Industry (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft, FSK) will publish additional information to the known age ratings for films and series. This means that in the future, children, young people and parents will be able to see at a glance which reasons led to the FSK age rating. These so-called descriptors offer families more orientation when selecting film content. They are defined as part of the review process for films and series and published on the FSK's homepage together with the FSK age rating.

With the release justifications, the FSK has already been publishing information on content and impact risks for current theatrical films since 2010. The descriptors, which are easy and quick to comprehend, perfectly round off the existing range of information. They enable children, young people and parents to make informed decisions and thus stand for a positive film experience for all age groups.

For each film or series episode, one to three descriptors are identified with the main youth protection-related reasons for the age rating, such as:

  • FSK 6: threat, incriminating scenes / themes, risk behavior, exclusion, language
  • FSK 12 | 16 | 18: drug use, language, sexualized violence, violence, self-harm, discrimination, sexuality, threat, injury, nudity


Sexual violence: All forms of non-consensual sexual activity or sexual threats, including to third parties.

Violence: Acts with the intent to harm, endangering characters or animals. This includes accidents that are intentionally caused.

Self-harm: Depictions or theming of suicide, attempted suicide, or deliberately self-injurious behavior, such as anorexia, bulimia, respiratory reduction, and cracking. This also includes underage drinking or tobacco use, as well as particularly risky behavior by child characters that can be easily imitated.

Drug use: depictions or theming of the use of drugs or the abuse of substances, such as heroin or marijuana, solvents or pharmaceuticals, illegal stimulants, crack, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy, meth, or LSD.

Discrimination: devaluation of a person or group of persons based on, for example, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender, age, physical appearance, special characteristics or disability. This also includes language that is derogatory from today's perspective.

Sexuality: depictions of sexual activity, even if only implied, such as veiled, defamiliarized or obscured depictions under a blanket, or intrusive sounds such as loud or repeated moaning in connection with sexual activity.

Threat: any threat of violence, torture or negative consequences, including to third parties. This includes all forms of bullying, cyber-bullying and stalking.

Injury: depictions of injuries that, for example, show traces of blood, wounds or fractures and/or require medical treatment.

Emotional Distress: depictions of characters undergoing intense emotional distress such as extreme crying, trembling with fear, particularly intense crying, emotional breakdown following bereavement.

Language: offensive, vulgar or sexualized language use. For foreign language films with German subtitles, include German subtitles.

Nudity: Detrimental depictions of nude characters (e.g. visibility of genitalia, buttocks) with or without sexual context.



Source:  FSK
State 15/05/2023


For parents and persons responsible for education



Important Information

  • According to § 5 para. 1, children and adolescents under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult person authorized to have custody of them or by a person authorized to act as their legal guardian at public events, and adolescents over the age of 16 must be accompanied if they stay after midnight. Please calculate the pre-program/advertising before the booked performance in addition to the run length of the movie.


  • Persons authorized to exercise custody (usually parents or one parent) may designate the following persons as persons authorized to educate: Grandparents, relatives, persons in a special relationship of trust, friend, friendly parents, neighbor, pedagogical specialists, persons with a professional or regular educational assignment: teachers, trainers, group leaders, etc.


  • An educator can also supervise several children or adolescents. In this case, however, the person must be able to take care of them based on their education, maturity and personal abilities. The person must also be present in the cinema hall.


  • Transferring supervision to organizers is not permitted. The accompanying person must be able to provide supervision for the young person, therefore refrains from drinking alcoholic beverages. He/she must be with the young person during the entire stay. Provide transportation home for the child/adolescent. 


  • Make sure that the person responsible for the education knows about the regulation of the Youth Protection Act. Make sure that the person is up to the task. 


  • The parenting assignment is only valid in conjunction with a copy of the identity card (front and back) of at least one parenting representative. The form must be handed in at the box office or control without being asked.


  • In addition, a copy of the identity card of the person(s) with parental authority (usually parents or one parent) must be submitted. A parenting assignment within the meaning of §1 Para.1 No.4 JuSchG requires that the person with parental authority transfers the parenting assignment to a specific person over the age of 18 who is known to them. Otherwise there can be no question of the agreement required by law. We therefore have a duty to verify the existence and accuracy of such an agreement.




The legal guardians are usually the parents or one parent or a guardian appointed by the family court.

Education officer

Any person over the age of 18 is a parent or guardian under the Youth Protection Act (Jugendschutzgesetz), insofar as he or she performs parenting duties on a permanent or temporary basis on the basis of an agreement with the parent or guardians.


A copy of the identity card of the legal guardian(s) (usually parents or parent)

must also be presented!

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