Die leisen und die großen Töne

104 minutes | Drama / Komödie | Start: 26.12.2024 | Frankreich 2024
We 19.03.

Sympathische, amüsante und auch berührende Geschichte zweier gegensätzlicher Brüder, die die Liebe zur Musik teilen.

Thibaut is a famous conductor who travels the concert halls of the world. In the middle of his life, he learns that he was adopted and that he also has a younger brother, Jimmy, who works in a school kitchen and plays the trombone in the brass band of a working-class town. The two brothers couldn't be more different. There is only one thing they agree on: their love of music. Thibaut is impressed by his brother's musical talent. He wants to right the injustice of their fate and give his brother the one chance he never had: to develop his talent, follow his heart and win a national competition with the small orchestra. Jimmy begins to dream of a completely different life...

With this film, director Emmanuel Courcol has created a cinema of superlatives: a story that overwhelms, touches and, above all, entertains, both on a small and large scale, in the private and political spheres. Benjamin Lavernhe (BIRNENKUCHEN MIT LAVENDEL) and Pierre Lottin (EIN TRIUMPH) are brilliant in this gre...

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The quiet and the big sounds

We 19.03.

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