4. booking of premises for the organisation of events
a) The following provisions in this section are only relevant when it comes to the booking of premises for the staging of events. In this case, the subject matter of the contract is the temporary provision of premises and facilities for events in the Provider's cinema building (including individual halls and/or foyer areas) to the Customer as well as the provision of services accompanying the event. The use of the outdoor banner area is, if at all, only possible in connection with a hall rental and prior motif approval by the Provider. The procurement and assumption of costs of necessary licenses under public law (such as GEMA) as well as compliance with legal regulations and official requirements is the responsibility of the customer.
b) In the case of the booking of premises for the staging of events, the contract shall only come into effect upon receipt of the Customer's order confirmation issued by the Provider in writing.
c) The customer is solely responsible for the content of the event. He undertakes to refrain from presentations and performances that violate legal regulations or morality. Also the violation of private rights or industrial property rights of third parties are to be refrained from.
d) Subletting of the premises by the customer is not permitted.
e) All rights and obligations of the contract may only be transferred to third parties with the prior written consent of the Provider.
f) The Customer shall bear the fees and taxes arising in connection with the holding of the event.
g) In the rented space may be carried out by the customer only after prior consultation and prior express written consent by the provider conversion work and decorative material attached, hung, set up or used.
h) Use of the electricity and data network available in the building is only possible after prior agreement with the Provider. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to comply with existing safety regulations, technical requirements and regulations.
i) The Customer undertakes to submit to the Provider a detailed schedule including the exact set-up, event and dismantling times, an overview of all trades, as well as event-relevant organizational and technical details and requirements no later than two weeks before the planned date of the event. In the case of short-term events (i.e. if there are less than two weeks between the conclusion of the contract and the day of the event), the above information must be communicated to the Provider without delay.
j) The customer is solely responsible for the implementation, the safety of the event and for compliance with and observance of all existing legal and official requirements, regulations and permits, in particular the provisions of the Youth Protection Act, copyright, the Trade Regulations, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Working Hours Act, the accident prevention regulations of the professional associations and the VStättV and at his own expense. All official and legally required registration and notification obligations as well as the obtaining of permits are to be obtained by the Customer and presented to the Provider prior to the start of the event.
k) The Customer undertakes to admit only the maximum permissible number of visitors to the respective premises.
l) Basically, superstructures in front of and next to the house are possible due to the existing basement with a maximum surface load of 1000 kilograms per square meter. If a vehicle is to be placed in front of or next to the house, the maximum area load of 1000 kilograms per square meter shall not be exceeded. In addition, truck spreader plates shall be placed underneath to protect the ground.
m) Catering before, during and/or after the event shall be provided exclusively by the provider or by their contracted catering service providers, unless otherwise agreed in writing in the contract. Billing shall be based on actual consumption. Bottles that have been opened shall be deemed to have been actually consumed in full.
n) The Customer undertakes to take out organizer's liability insurance appropriate to the type and scope of the event and to present this to the Provider before the start of the event.
o) The Customer is required to inspect the rented space and rented items immediately after the premises have been made available and, if any defects are found, to report them to the Provider (obligation to inspect). If the customer wishes to use the stage, he undertakes to draw up a handover protocol with the provider, which records the absence of damage to the screen, among other things. If the customer fails to fulfill the obligation to inspect and report any damage, any subsequent claims for damages are excluded. Unless the defects were not recognizable upon inspection and the causation of the damage is attributable to the provider.
p) The customer agrees that the provider can make image and sound recordings at any time and approves with the signing of the contract, without claim to remuneration, the possible distribution of the image and sound recordings via the Internet or other communication channels.
q) If the customer plans to use the cinema projectors, he is obliged to make all picture and sound material available to the customer for viewing at least two weeks before the event date. If the date of the event is less than two weeks when the contract is concluded, the material must be submitted without delay.
r) The customer shall ensure that the image and sound material is free of viruses and other risks that could impair the in-house technology. If damage (both to the provider and to any third parties) occurs to the in-house technical equipment, the customer shall be liable.
s) The customer has the possibility to use the in-house WLAN network within the scope of his event. The access data required for this may not be passed on to third parties. The provider gives no guarantee for the availability and security of the WLAN network. The customer must ensure secure data transmission.
t) The Customer undertakes to restore the areas of use to their original condition by the agreed end of the event, to completely remove all objects, decorations, superstructures brought in by the Customer and to remove any damage caused by the Customer.
u) Proper waste disposal (such as packaging materials, information brochures, etc.) is the responsibility of the customer. The provider reserves the right to remove or have removed by third parties any items attached or left behind in the event of non-compliance. Any costs incurred in this regard will be charged to the customer. There is no custody obligation by the provider.