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Harry Potter Quiz: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Questions

135 minutes | Start: 23.07.2024 | 2024

This film is not shown in our current program

Our program for the cinema week starting on Thursday will be published each Monday afternoon

Greetings, wizards and witches! Get your wands out and prepare to immerse yourself in the enchanting universe of Harry Potter. Whether you're a brave Gryffindor, wise Ravenclaw, loyal Hufflepuff or cunning Slytherin - this quiz is designed to challenge your knowledge and rekindle your love for the magical world.

What can you expect?
Prepare for a diverse mix of questions that will test not only your knowledge of the books and films, but also your attention to sounds and screens in the movies, your guessing skills and your ability to uncover hidden details. From potions lessons to the dark arts, the questions cover all areas of Hogwarts and beyond. Can you remember the full name of every professor or the secret ingredients of the Polyjuice Potion? It's time to find out!

How do you play?
Each question offers several possible answers - only one of which is correct. Choose your answer wisely! At the end of the quiz, you'll discover how much of a Potterhead you really are.

Challenge your friends!
Share the quiz with your fellow Hogwarts alumni and see who really deserves a place in Dumbledore's Army. We allow teams of 2-6 witches, wizards, muggles or squibs! Prepare your minds, take courage and may the best wizard or witch win!

Let the magical journey begin!

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This film is not shown in our current program

Our program for the cinema week starting on Thursday will be published each Monday afternoon

0 Seats selected
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