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The Creator

134 minutes | Drama / Science fiction | Start: 28.09.2023 | USA 2023

This film is not shown in our current program

Our program for the cinema week starting on Thursday will be published each Monday afternoon

Human or machine? The epic sci-fi action thriller THE CREATOR is set in a world in the midst of a future war between humanity and the forces of artificial intelligence. Joshua (Washington), a detached former Special Forces agent mourning his missing wife (Chan), is recruited to hunt down and kill the Creator. The Creator, an elusive architect of advanced AI, developed a mysterious weapon that can end war but would also completely wipe out humanity. Joshua and his team of elite agents, cross enemy lines and penetrate the dark heart of the territory occupied by the AI.... Only to find out that the world-changing weapon he's been sent to destroy is an AI in the form of a small child.

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This film is not shown in our current program

Our program for the cinema week starting on Thursday will be published each Monday afternoon

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